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The registration of the order (module)
The conditions of execution and payment for the order
The price-list
The bank requisites
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Documents Electronic Delivery Service / The conditions of execution and payment for the order

The conditions of execution and payment for the order

The services of the Electronic documents delivery service are paid ones, the cost of the order is determined in accordance with the list of paid services of the National library of the RK.
The order is accepted via the module, via the electronic mail, fax or personally at the library.

You are offered two forms of order:

- The search of information by the theme and the rendering of the bibliographical list of literature
- The making of the electronic copies of articles from the periodical press, collections, fragments of books (not more than 15%), abstracts of theses

Payment for the services

After the reception and treatment of the order you are told about the possibility of execution, the time of execution and payment.
After which the customer makes the payment.
The residents of Almaty pay in cash.
For those who live in other cities payment is to be made to the bank account of the National library of the RK.
There at the bank in the payment documents it is necessary to indicate the purpose of the payment: “The electronic documents delivery”.

For the organizations which are interested in the long-term cooperation we advise to conclude an agreement.

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National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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