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The Agreement on the creation of the Regional PAC Center for Central Asia
The electronic magazine “International Preservation News” (IPN)
2009, № 1
2009, № 2
2009, № 3
2009, № 4
The experience of Central Asian libraries in preservation and conservation problems
Altogether:  128228
For 2019:  1
Today:  1
Now:  1
Main page
The IFLA/PAC Core Programme Regional Center in Central Asia

The main trends of activity:

  • Wide-spreading knowledge about preservation among the workers and readers of the libraries
  • Making them understand the key role of preservation of the library fonds in the library fonds’ management
  • Developing coordination in the sphere of the fonds’ preservation with the other PAC regional centers, with the IFLA structures (Programmes, Sections, Panels), organizations (including the non-governmental ones), establishments, specialists who are interested in problems of preservation of documentary heritage
  • Developing the national and international standards, rendering assistance for ensuring preservation and restoration of library and archival materials
  • Training of library personnel at all levels, developing their practical skills for ensuring preservation and development of programmes of practical trainings
  • Translation of articles from the magazine “International Preservation News” (IPN) into Russian and Distribution among the libraries of the RK and Central Asia
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