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The Agreement on the creation of the Regional PAC Center for Central Asia
The electronic magazine “International Preservation News” (IPN)
2009, № 1
2009, № 2
2009, № 3
2009, № 4
The experience of Central Asian libraries in preservation and conservation problems
Altogether:  128268
For 2019:  1
Today:  1
Now:  4
Main page
The IFLA/PAC Core Programme Regional Center in Central Asia / Contacts

Seidumanov Zhanat Turarovich, Director-General of the National library of the RK, Director of the IFLA/PAC Regional Centre for Central Asia
Tel.: +7 (727) 267 28 83
Fax: +7 (727) 267 28 54

Sarsenbayeva Botagoz Shagaliyevna, Head of the service of restoration, conservation and binding Coordinator of the IFLA/PAC Regional Centre for Central Asia
Tel.: +7 (727) 267 31 82
Fax: +7 (727) 267 28 54

The Head Office of the IFLA/ PAC Programme – 

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