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About the project
The lists of books, newspapers, magazines
References The Internet-reference “Oil and gas”
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Hall of Informational Resources on Oil and Gas / About the project

About the project

    In 2003 “Chevron” company supported the project of the National library of the RK for the organization of the Hall of informational resources on oil and gas unique for the republic. The purpose of the project is the operative retrieval of information on the oil-gas thematic with the use of modern information technologies.
     The readers of the Hall have access to the new scientific, reference, study literature, magazines in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages pertaining to the technology of drilling oil & gas bore-holes, extraction of oil & gas, oil & gas deposits, steady development, ecology etc.  There is a possibility of information search through the electronic catalogue in the library, the full-text data-base EastView, the Internet-reference sites of the oil-gas companies themselves and the use of electronic textbooks.

      There within the framework of the project was created the full-text data-base “Oil and gas” numbering more than 70 articles and which is presented at the web-site of the National library.

     There for the readers are created comfortable work places, the hall is equipped with the computer and projection equipment, there are held presentations, trainings and other kinds of activities. One can use the hardware and software of the hall, the Internet resources, for the preservation of information one can use own carriers (CD, flash-memory), connect the private notebooks.

     There in the hall functions the Electronic documents delivery service where one can order the electronic copies of documents from the funds of the National library.


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National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Разработка веб-сайтов, интернет-магазинов, хостинг в Казахстане, программирование