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On November 29, 2018 the specialists of the Service of restoration, conservation and binding of National library of the RK Nurgazy Shalkar and Gabdolova Eleonora participated in the republican scientific-practical seminar “The problems of preservation and revival of cultural heritage” which took place in the Otrar state museum-preserve.
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On September 13-14, 2018 there in Almaty city within the framework of the celebration of the 20-th anniversary of Astana city will take place the All-Kazakhstan Congress of librarians “The library as a multi-functional, multi-level socio-cultural institution of society"
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      There in the reading hall of the Service of world literature is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the 200-th birthday of the English writer and poetess Emily Bronte.
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    On July 16, 2018 there in the hall after N.Dauletova took place the presentation of the book of Makhmud Kasymbekov “Nursultan Nazarbayev. Biography” published in the Dari language (Farsi).
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On July 14, 2018 the deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov  met with the workers of the National library of the RK. The meeting was opened by the director of National library of the RK Zh.Seidumanov. Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov stressed the importance and use of “The five social initiatives” of the Head of state of N.Nazarbayev for our people.
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On July 10, 2018 there in the hall after N.Dauletova took place the 22 session of the Accountants’ club. The activity was organized jointly with the Chamber of entrepreneurs “Atameken” of Almaty city.
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On July 7, 2018 the National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan was visited by the Argentinian journalists: the host and analyst in the sphere of international issues of public television “Television Publica Argentina” Gustavo Sierra and the photo-journalist of the Secretariat on social communications of the government of the province Santa Fe Guan Pablo Djovakinni, whose purpose of the trip is the advancement of the initiative for the establishment of brotherly relations between the cities of Almaty and Rosario (Argentina).
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      There in the reading hall of the Service of world literature is organized the book exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the English writer and public figure James Aldridge.
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On June 26, 2018 there in the hall after N.Dauletova within the framework of the programme “Rukhani zhangyru” took place the panel by the theme “Astananyn turki alemindagi roli” dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of the capital and the Day of journalistic in the RK, organized by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey.
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On June 20, 2018 there at the cine-club of E.Tursynov took place the big musical-poetical holiday “Bloom, my Astana” dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of Astana, organized by the Almaty city council of veterans.
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